PH Absalon has streamlined their meeting processes with FirstAgenda

When PH Absalon holds board meetings, management meetings and meetings in a large number of their various committees, they use FirstAgenda Prepare as their primary meeting tool. Here they have the opportunity to gather and distribute their meeting preparation on a single platform - to the great benefit of both meeting participants and agenda collectors.

When University College Absalon launched FirstAgenda Prepare back in 2018, it was with the hope of strengthening and streamlining their meeting processes. They needed a tool where they could securely collect and distribute their meeting preparation. After testing FirstAgenda Prepare in a number of board and management meetings, they were in no doubt about the choice of their future meeting tool, according to Nanna Ferslev, Head of Secretariat:

"There was generally great satisfaction with FirstAgenda Prepare - both among board and executive board members, but also among agenda collectors. It is a flexible and user-friendly platform that makes preparation easy for agenda collectors and meeting participants - and it helps to professionalize both the preparation and execution of our meetings." 

In addition to professionalizing meetings, FirstAgenda Prepare also contributes to streamlining the meeting process. For example, she points out that it has become much easier to be an agenda collector.

"For agenda collectors, it has become much easier to distribute the meeting material. We have it all on one platform where we can easily and quickly add additional meeting material without bothering the meeting participants - they simply find the updated version in FirstAgenda Prepare"
- Nanna Ferslev. Head of Secretariat, PH Absalon

According to Nanna Ferslev, meeting participants also benefit from the meeting tool. 

"They have the entire agenda and related documents in FirstAgenda Prepare , and can make both markups and notes, while also sharing comments with other meeting participants. This helps to ensure that everyone comes to the meetings well prepared." 

Even though FirstAgenda Prepare was a new acquaintance for many at Absalon when they implemented the solution back in 2018, there were still several board members who were familiar with the meeting tool. Something Nanna Ferslev sees as a great advantage

"We have several external board members who use FirstAgenda Prepare for meetings here at Absalon, but who also use the solution in municipal or regional settings. The fact that they simply use the same platform for all their meetings makes it super easy for them.

With safety in focus

Before PH Absalon started using FirstAgenda Prepare , the agendas were sent out to the meeting participants via email prior to the meetings. If changes were subsequently made to the meeting material, emails were sent out again - a process Nanna Ferslev is pleased to see has been replaced by FirstAgenda Prepare : 

"With FirstAgenda Prepare , we now have an extremely flexible meeting tool. Where we used to send out meeting materials manually via email, everything is now gathered on one platform. The agenda collectors both prepare and release the agenda with just a few clicks, and meeting participants can always find the latest version in one place." 

In addition to the fact that it has become easier for the meeting participants that they no longer have to rummage through their inbox to find their meeting material, according to Nanna Ferslev, there is also an important security aspect in gathering the preparation in FirstAgenda Prepare. 

"In the past, when we sent out meeting materials via email, we were dependent on the security of the recipient's email account. In this way, we didn't really have any control over the security of the meeting material. With FirstAgenda Prepare , security has been tightened significantly, and this gives us a huge sense of security when using it."

Based on the users' wishes 

With more than 5 years with FirstAgenda Prepare as their primary meeting tool, PH Absalon has had the opportunity to follow the development of the solution. And when it comes to the development of the meeting tool, Nanna Ferslev has noticed that the development has been based on the users' wishes

"In the years we have used FirstAgenda Prepare , we have been able to see the development that has taken place. It's very clear that it's often the users' wishes that are the starting point for the changes and additions that are made. It's great that it's a development-oriented solution and that the users' wishes are actually listened to."
- Nanna Ferslev, Head of Secretariat, PH Absalon

At the same time, Nanna emphasizes that, in addition to getting the help they need to roll out the solution, they can always get concrete answers to their questions

"It's been a few years since we started working with FirstAgenda, and it's generally a really good collaboration. They are always easy to get in touch with, and there is always quick and concrete help available - both from the account manager and from support, which means a lot." 


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